JP: don't remember asking you a question but will respond in kind. just read ur joint on running drunk! excellent vision. I can't run much less walk when drinking, but drink and smoke cause me to explode on the keyboard. (And as a fellow BGer you know i Have been docked at least twice more than Bexy.) Mostly 'cause my highness doesn't translate well with Negs and some of the crew. I can't blame them either. It's hard to stay on blog topics that are so cynical& sarcastic that I can't help but go surf-adjacent.
That said, I've written four manuscripts with a stream-of-consciousness (always high) and would like to share. I recall an earlier response to my posts simply don't form enough of a thread. Here's an elongated cyclical version of my response that alcoholics are really pretty cool peeps.
Respectfully, Tim (aka Dane's sushi, salsa & sauza)
_”Wino" A MANUSCRIPT BY TIM NELSEN Began May 9, 2004…and never ended…
Until February 3, 2005…Let’s open our books, students…The Super Bowl was in New England 24-21…Sir Paul McCartney at half time…and we’re Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds…coming along…
1.0 Introduction
aND i SAW ON MOTHER'S DAY THE SCENE TO END ALL SCENeS...for my MOM and my "x" and that's a separate story...
Leaving tomorrow for Paso kick off the Central Coast Wine tasting festival and to meet the vintner's daughters...
C-Span has been busy today...G-8 conference on Iraq, and we still don't have a plan...
Until June 30, 2004 when we turn their country back to themselves and that's the scary story...July 1? Instead of July 4th...
"Saving Our Troops" has been handed off and eventually may make it's way to Iraq...and Cambria, to investigate where the "Environment Over Easy" consignment deal fell through...or did it?
Waiting on 16 field level Dodger tickets that I ordered through the US mail....and 1-800-Hit-Dodgers for a potentially angry group which may future in-laws...
They are coming from all over California...which has a new workman's compensation plan delivered through the usual suspects...
excepting Arnold, who is brokering the deal...
Merlot for the beurocratics and beer for the troops...
And John Kerry for governor to keep him busy again...
Rumsfield is in Abu Agraid...Senator Kyl is in Arizona a statesmen cursing the juvenile ignorance, the democrats "misbehaving," and George W. is seeking re-election again...with no military record...that approaches Edward Kennedy...both were (ARE) drinkers...
"Cept his money wasn't was oil and business, as usual...
I have a wet dream...but it's with a meaningful go out and have sushi again... not an Indian's a bridge Ed...I served time and you didn't...bastard...and I was in weren't...
I was alone and not cheatin'...bastard..."And that was the straw that broke the camel's back"...said her...
And she's quite alive and running marathons...not her, Ed..."Lies, lies, Lies..."
Donald offered his resignation two times…proud and pride…tough job…, Dude…
American capitalism is suspect again...elliptical circles...WW1, WW2, WW3 (not expected or in the TV channel sweeps)...
"Medium is the message" is a famous Marshall McKluen, Mass Communication researched (and accessible) necessary reading...
Editor's Note: The media is part of the terrorism...and if not is paid off by those limited, 72 virgin praising few...
Los Angeles Times is a butt rag...and was the Copley Press's "Daily Breeze"...and those that run false articles...
Should be sent fight...on the front lines...
And I haven't started...drinking...
Or even planned for the BA ...
Or kissed the girl's good night...
Good tequila tonight...
John Carroll of the LA Times buttrag is asserting that there's a right wing conspiracy and that for young and upcoming writers that's OK...
Those that are sucking their thumbs...and some are on drugs...
Dude...admit that you're a drinker and the Democrats will agree you're right...
Nifty challenges says the Colonel...on C-Span
And I saw your Dad smile says Marianne...
And yeah Chris I write everything down...
And remember almost everything...
"Cept the sorrow I've drowned..."
Another elliptical journey with no future in sight...
Doesn't matter...
Bragging's in Cambria and one's in Iraq...
The third's in my hip pocket...
And on the road...
Writer's block...not me...
Pictures of fishing in Mexico might as well be Iraq...
I never had an office, son...
Well Dad, I took you fishing and my cyber...and I'm oil and gas...
We’re the RISK Corporate MANaGERS
You visited today...the office in Ventura...take your DAD to!
Resistant to technology...ASK xHRIS...
It's more about adapting...
And technology is racing...
(That's another story)...
And Randy Johnson throws a no hitter in Atlanta and the Braves fans are cheering him...
We do have a chance for presidency in December 2004...
And I’m wearing a Pete Rose T-shirt today...that I've had since 1995.
The winos mined gold and swam in sulfur springs in Paso...
The practice is coming back and the troubles are forgotten, if not for a lonely weekend...
And there are pictures to prove it...
Dad, Randy's throwing a no no...and the return call was "he got it"...
Remember that one I threw when I was nine..."I think I was there" was the response...
Emeril live...and fish and tacos...
And Brittney called me back...
While I was making fish (not) beef and tacos and beer....
I don't drink, Dad..., or smoke cigars…Just play volleyball…
And while shopping at the local convenience store I encountered a dark-skinned native...
"I'm from Texas" and my mom's name is in the library...
"The Ventura County Archives?" I ask...
"And I'm a white man with no country but love Baja"...
"You're a wetback!" He proclaims and I laugh..."And I'll meet you at the Alamo" my simple response...
His English was good but I think he has moxxy, but probably no brain cells...just a simple, lifelong developed good wit...
Marion Barry smoked crack in Baltimore and Mayor Guiliani saved lives in New York...and he got drilled and responded to the 9/11 (update 2008 presidency run) investigation/dished out response today...
Giving "high-five's and back slappings" the last time I went out for dinner with the folks there...
and Chris started working there tonight...
Nice Hawaiian T-shirt, Son...
Aloha...means love and hello and the restaurant...
Did you know that?
Math problems, boy problems, Junior lifeguards, school field trips to Sacramento, logistics problems, dinner plans...not to mention health insurance...
And the wino lives right up the street...that's another story...he's doesn't touch the stuff, except for that bottle of SYRAH I remembered to buy for the boss...
Cabernet sauvignon for me (and I won't drink for a year) and a cabernet for the mom that she will never drink...who cares...?
This guy who has the credentials to prove it and it's not Hunter (S. Thompson)'s Bukowski...(Charles...) Hard Times...
as I got out of my car down at the docks two men started walking toward me...
(I could be happier with a simpler life....but it's much more complicated than that....editor's note)
I still need (want a wife)....
"well guys...I finished my beer" and that's Bukowski, in a nutshell, a pistachio nutshell...
The Wino says figure out for yourself the difference between heaven from hell...
And act and become a parliamentarian...(Editor's note: Find a Webster's dictionary and look it up).
After I took your Mom to a Grateful Dead Concert and she wouldn't go inside...the fairgrounds...
We listened to their drug-induced ramblings (and extended long instrumentals) in lounge chairs with a beer and wine cooler, way cooler outside...
And today I said "I don't want Chris to grow up being like the local white sushi chef"...
And she said "He's an alcoholic"...
The Dead made Ventura economically survive...just like the deadheads and me, the oil and concert business did revive oil...and because of that we've been given the chance for more winos...and retired environmental consultants, to survive...(See photos below…)
And this poor bastard didn't even drink...(OR SMOKE)
JP: don't remember asking you a question but will respond in kind. just read ur joint on running drunk! excellent vision. I can't run much less walk when drinking, but drink and smoke cause me to explode on the keyboard. (And as a fellow BGer you know i Have been docked at least twice more than Bexy.) Mostly 'cause my highness doesn't translate well with Negs and some of the crew. I can't blame them either. It's hard to stay on blog topics that are so cynical& sarcastic that I can't help but go surf-adjacent.
That said, I've written four manuscripts with a stream-of-consciousness (always high) and would like to share. I recall an earlier response to my posts simply don't form enough of a thread. Here's an elongated cyclical version of my response that alcoholics are really pretty cool peeps.
Respectfully, Tim (aka Dane's sushi, salsa & sauza)
_”Wino" A MANUSCRIPT BY TIM NELSEN Began May 9, 2004…and never ended…
Until February 3, 2005…Let’s open our books, students…The Super Bowl was in New England 24-21…Sir Paul McCartney at half time…and we’re Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds…coming along…
1.0 Introduction
aND i SAW ON MOTHER'S DAY THE SCENE TO END ALL SCENeS...for my MOM and my "x" and that's a separate story...
Leaving tomorrow for Paso kick off the Central Coast Wine tasting festival and to meet the vintner's daughters...
C-Span has been busy today...G-8 conference on Iraq, and we still don't have a plan...
Until June 30, 2004 when we turn their country back to themselves and that's the scary story...July 1? Instead of July 4th...
"Saving Our Troops" has been handed off and eventually may make it's way to Iraq...and Cambria, to investigate where the "Environment Over Easy" consignment deal fell through...or did it?
Waiting on 16 field level Dodger tickets that I ordered through the US mail....and 1-800-Hit-Dodgers for a potentially angry group which may future in-laws...
They are coming from all over California...which has a new workman's compensation plan delivered through the usual suspects...
excepting Arnold, who is brokering the deal...
Merlot for the beurocratics and beer for the troops...
And John Kerry for governor to keep him busy again...
Rumsfield is in Abu Agraid...Senator Kyl is in Arizona a statesmen cursing the juvenile ignorance, the democrats "misbehaving," and George W. is seeking re-election again...with no military record...that approaches Edward Kennedy...both were (ARE) drinkers...
"Cept his money wasn't was oil and business, as usual...
I have a wet dream...but it's with a meaningful go out and have sushi again... not an Indian's a bridge Ed...I served time and you didn't...bastard...and I was in weren't...
I was alone and not cheatin'...bastard..."And that was the straw that broke the camel's back"...said her...
And she's quite alive and running marathons...not her, Ed..."Lies, lies, Lies..."
Donald offered his resignation two times…proud and pride…tough job…, Dude…
American capitalism is suspect again...elliptical circles...WW1, WW2, WW3 (not expected or in the TV channel sweeps)...
"Medium is the message" is a famous Marshall McKluen, Mass Communication researched (and accessible) necessary reading...
Editor's Note: The media is part of the terrorism...and if not is paid off by those limited, 72 virgin praising few...
Los Angeles Times is a butt rag...and was the Copley Press's "Daily Breeze"...and those that run false articles...
Should be sent fight...on the front lines...
And I haven't started...drinking...
Or even planned for the BA ...
Or kissed the girl's good night...
Good tequila tonight...
John Carroll of the LA Times buttrag is asserting that there's a right wing conspiracy and that for young and upcoming writers that's OK...
Those that are sucking their thumbs...and some are on drugs...
Dude...admit that you're a drinker and the Democrats will agree you're right...
Nifty challenges says the Colonel...on C-Span
And I saw your Dad smile says Marianne...
And yeah Chris I write everything down...
And remember almost everything...
"Cept the sorrow I've drowned..."
Another elliptical journey with no future in sight...
Doesn't matter...
Bragging's in Cambria and one's in Iraq...
The third's in my hip pocket...
And on the road...
Writer's block...not me...
Pictures of fishing in Mexico might as well be Iraq...
I never had an office, son...
Well Dad, I took you fishing and my cyber...and I'm oil and gas...
We’re the RISK Corporate MANaGERS
You visited today...the office in Ventura...take your DAD to!
Resistant to technology...ASK xHRIS...
It's more about adapting...
And technology is racing...
(That's another story)...
And Randy Johnson throws a no hitter in Atlanta and the Braves fans are cheering him...
We do have a chance for presidency in December 2004...
And I’m wearing a Pete Rose T-shirt today...that I've had since 1995.
The winos mined gold and swam in sulfur springs in Paso...
The practice is coming back and the troubles are forgotten, if not for a lonely weekend...
And there are pictures to prove it...
Dad, Randy's throwing a no no...and the return call was "he got it"...
Remember that one I threw when I was nine..."I think I was there" was the response...
Emeril live...and fish and tacos...
And Brittney called me back...
While I was making fish (not) beef and tacos and beer....
I don't drink, Dad..., or smoke cigars…Just play volleyball…
And while shopping at the local convenience store I encountered a dark-skinned native...
"I'm from Texas" and my mom's name is in the library...
"The Ventura County Archives?" I ask...
"And I'm a white man with no country but love Baja"...
"You're a wetback!" He proclaims and I laugh..."And I'll meet you at the Alamo" my simple response...
His English was good but I think he has moxxy, but probably no brain cells...just a simple, lifelong developed good wit...
Marion Barry smoked crack in Baltimore and Mayor Guiliani saved lives in New York...and he got drilled and responded to the 9/11 (update 2008 presidency run) investigation/dished out response today...
Giving "high-five's and back slappings" the last time I went out for dinner with the folks there...
and Chris started working there tonight...
Nice Hawaiian T-shirt, Son...
Aloha...means love and hello and the restaurant...
Did you know that?
Math problems, boy problems, Junior lifeguards, school field trips to Sacramento, logistics problems, dinner plans...not to mention health insurance...
And the wino lives right up the street...that's another story...he's doesn't touch the stuff, except for that bottle of SYRAH I remembered to buy for the boss...
Cabernet sauvignon for me (and I won't drink for a year) and a cabernet for the mom that she will never drink...who cares...?
This guy who has the credentials to prove it and it's not Hunter (S. Thompson)'s Bukowski...(Charles...) Hard Times...
as I got out of my car down at the docks two men started walking toward me...
(I could be happier with a simpler life....but it's much more complicated than that....editor's note)
I still need (want a wife)....
"well guys...I finished my beer" and that's Bukowski, in a nutshell, a pistachio nutshell...
The Wino says figure out for yourself the difference between heaven from hell...
And act and become a parliamentarian...(Editor's note: Find a Webster's dictionary and look it up).
After I took your Mom to a Grateful Dead Concert and she wouldn't go inside...the fairgrounds...
We listened to their drug-induced ramblings (and extended long instrumentals) in lounge chairs with a beer and wine cooler, way cooler outside...
And today I said "I don't want Chris to grow up being like the local white sushi chef"...
And she said "He's an alcoholic"...
The Dead made Ventura economically survive...just like the deadheads and me, the oil and concert business did revive oil...and because of that we've been given the chance for more winos...and retired environmental consultants, to survive...(See photos below…)
And this poor bastard didn't even drink...(OR SMOKE)
You’re like an American James Kelman!